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Monitoring Your Business

Imagine your business security system were to send information that an intruder had been detected in your office. The Monitoring station will then act according to your instructions. You may instruct us to take the following steps:

You decide what response the Monitoring station will make when an alarm is received prior to it occurring. The information you might need on your security system might be a little more subtle. For example, you might have noticed that some things have started going missing after hours at your business, or you noticed that the level of oil in the oil tank is lower in the morning than the previous day at closing. The Monitoring station can be instructed to contact you if the security system is disarmed outside regular business hours and provide information on who has disarmed the system.

The Monitoring station can also provide you useful information, such as if your security system has not been armed and it is past your normal closing time. Or you might want to have reports of times at which the security system has been disarmed and by whom.

Contact us to find out more about what your security system Monitoring can do for you and to sign up for Monitoring with BGR Security Systems.

If a burglary has been confirmed, BGR Security Systems can arrange clean-up services so it is business as usual next morning.